What expectations are you holding on to right now? Do these have you stuck and frustrated because they aren't working out exactly how you expected? 

It's perfectly OK to dream, to create, to have purpose in your life. But, getting fixated on how you will get there and trying to control every step of the way is not helpful. You will get caught up in the details and forget to enjoy the process. [...]

The Function of Your Muscles Effects How You Feel.

Your muscles are what hold your body together, allow you to move and help your body function effectively. When our muscles "activate" they contract either pulling the limb in a direction or working along other muscles to stabilise a joint. When the muscle relaxes it allows for the muscles opposing them to either contract and move the limb in a different direction or to return the limb to a neutral position. When muscles don't work in synergy then it can have an effect on the balance and movement of the body causing postural deviations, pain, inflexibility and fatigue. [...]

Stress isn't all bad!!

In psychology, stress is a reaction to a real or perceived threat. This functions to motivate us into action and to keep us alive and functioning. There are a number of physiological responses that take place in the body when this occurs. All of these responses are to stimulate the body and the mind to function at its peak. [...]

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