Co-dependency, independence to interdependence. co-dependence A person who has co-dependent behaviours is overly emotionally invested in the well-being and happiness of others, often to the detriment

Kinesiology & Wellness Blog
As I find more to write about, talk about and share with my clients and students, this is where I will share it.
Metaphysics of Autumn
Autumn Autumn is that time of the year where the peak of summer is well over and the days start to get shorter and cooler. In nature, we see the effects of this when the tree’s lush green leaves turn
Post Viral Recovery
Recovering from Post-Viral Symptoms with Kinesiology
Post-viral symptoms are a set of physical and mental symptoms that can persist for weeks or months after a person has recovered from a viral infection. These being some of the most common: COVID-19, influenza, or Epstein-Barr virus. These symptoms can vary widely but often include fatigue, brain fog, muscle weakness, joint pain, and mood changes. While some people recover from post-viral symptoms quickly, others may require a comprehensive approach. This is where kinesiology can be a valuable tool.
Kinesiology for Bladder and Kidney Issues.
The Kidney’s and Bladder are the main organs of our Urinary Tract. They both have important functions in maintaining our health. Urinary tract issues have been a regular issue with clients recently so I thought I would write a little blog to explain how kinesiology may be of benefit to people with urinary tract issues.
Navigating Personal Growth and Wellness
Navigating personal growth and wellness with Kinesiology When everything in our life seems to be going well, it can be easy to neglect the importance of personal growth and self-improvement. We may th
5 Ways To Have More Time
How can I have more time? A number of my clients lately have been struggling with focus. Even my own life has felt like a big explosion of scattered thinking and lack of productivity. I’ve had so much
How do relationships effect your health?
Your Life is FULL of Relationships. Parent-Child ~ Colleague ~ Lovers ~ Friends ~ Business What is a healthy relationship? Relationships are highly important for our wellbeing. When our relationships
How Does Your Money Story Effect You?
What expectations are you holding on to right now? Do these have you stuck and frustrated because they aren’t working out exactly how you expected?
It’s perfectly OK to dream, to create, to have purpose in your life. But, getting fixated on how you will get there and trying to control every step of the way is not helpful. You will get caught up in the details and forget to enjoy the process.
Muscle Function and Feeling Great
The Function of Your Muscles Effects How You Feel.
Your muscles are what hold your body together, allow you to move and help your body function effectively. When our muscles “activate” they contract either pulling the limb in a direction or working along other muscles to stabilise a joint. When the muscle relaxes it allows for the muscles opposing them to either contract and move the limb in a different direction or to return the limb to a neutral position. When muscles don’t work in synergy then it can have an effect on the balance and movement of the body causing postural deviations, pain, inflexibility and fatigue.