The Mind-Body Connection & Healing Trauma.

Life is not a smooth straight road. There are hills. There are bumps and dips. There are detours. There are twists and turns. However, all roads have lead you to who you are today. For some of us, this journey has come with a large amount of trauma and stress that, although it may no longer be current, it is still effecting us today.

Your Cells Record Your Experience of Life

Every single experience in our life is recorded at a cellular level by our body. It does this because its primary focus is survival. In order to do that, it needs to have access to information about how it has kept us alive so far. It then uses that information to predict how to keep doing that. Our physiological responses, along with any meaning we personally give to that moment are then imprinted in our cellular memory.  This then gives our body the opportunity to respond to particular environmental or emotional stimulus with the required response to keep you alive and safe.

When we experience trauma, the body goes into fight or flight mode. This shuts down all the non-necessary body and mind processes until all the danger has subsided. In some cases, even when the danger is no longer present, the body still doesn’t appear to return to normal functioning. This could be to do with the length of time the trauma was being experienced. It could also be to do with the stories, thoughts or beliefs that were imprinted into the mind and body during those moments. So, even when we are no longer in that environment, our body is still continuing to act as if it is. Pain, anxiety, hormonal imbalances and other health related issues can be signs that at a cellular level, our bodies are still living that experience. In order for us to heal, recover and grow from the experience, We need to heal and shift our perception or the story we have been telling ourselves, so that all aspects of our being can return to functioning at its peak.

It sounds so incredibly simple to just shift our perception and start telling a different story and in some cases it can be. But, sometimes, it can help to have someone hold space, and guide you through the process. Helping you to see and understand things in a different way, or help you deal with things you won’t on you own. There are many modalities out there that benefit a person healing from trauma. Kinesiology is one of them. I have found it to help my clients in such profound ways. Making lasting changes in an individual.

How Kinesiology Can Help.

As a Kinesiologist, I use a technique called Muscle testing. This is where I push on the limbs of the body in order to speak directly with the core operating system of the body, the subconscious. To me, the subconscious is more than just another aspect of your mind. I see it more like a radio frequency that all the cells in your body use to communicate. When I tap into this frequency, I am able to get an energetic readout of the body. I can see where there are stresses within the entire mind-body system and what exactly is needed to alleviate that to reinstate proper functioning.

What I love most about the process, is that the focus is on how you can be into the best version of yourself. When you have a session with me, you will realise that the intention is not on what has happened to make you who you are. The focus is on how you can shift your perception and use your experiences to live your best life.  What we end up doing is identifying, through emotions, the stories you have been telling yourself. These often have been stopping your body from functioning at its peak and not allowing you to be the best version of yourself. Sometimes these can be hidden or unknown, or there may be conflicting stories that leave you fighting against yourself constantly. With clarity around those, you can begin to shift your perception and start telling yourself a new story. With the support of the techniques I have available we can also shift those patterns from your body and energetic systems. In this space, you can start creating the life you want to live and the body can then communicate with us what it needs in order to function more optimally to support you to achieve what you desire.

Kinesiology is truly the most holistic modality. It doesn’t just work on the mind, or only effect the physical body.  It encoprorates techniques from psychological practices, naturopathy, osteopathy, chiropractic, traditional chinese medicine, massage and more. Therefore, all parts of body and mind can be assisted. By working on all aspects of your wellbeing, a more deeper, profound and longer lasting change can occur.

Kinesiology Is Great With Kids

Kinesiology can also be so incredibly helpful for working with kids. They aren’t necessarily very good at understanding or articulating their perceptions of life. When kids experience trauma from an early age, these experiences become the blueprint of their growth and development. By being able to identify their emotions and perceptions, along with helping them to understand their environment, they become better able to talk and discuss their experiences in life. We can then help to shift and change their experience. This help them to grow into the best versions of themselves and avoiding those negative patterns from repeating in their lives.

Healing from trauma can take a bit of time. There are often layers and in some cases it is an uncomfortable experience. But with discomfort ALWAYS comes growth and transformation. As long as you look forward to the future, chose to live in the present moment and decide to learn something from each of your experiences, you will find that your trauma no longer overwhelms you. Instead, it becomes the building blocks that bolster you as you take on your life.

Would You Like To Learn Some Techniques to Work With Yourself and Your Family?

There are a number of Workshops and Courses that we offer here at Be Your Potential Kinesiology. From our half day Wellness Workshops from K-power to a Certificate in Self-Care or a Certificate In Professional Kinesiology Practice. You can learn techniques to support your own healing, or help facilitate the healing of others. have a look here at what we have coming up.

Book In A Session With Me.

Sometimes, there is only so much you can do on yourself.  It can often help to have a professional to assist you. Do you feel that you require some guidance and support to stop feeling tied to your past and start really living the life you want to live? Book a one on one appointment with me today or give me a call to discuss how I can help.

Has your trauma been caused by domestic violence?

I currently work alongside an organisation called The Outpost on the central coast NSW. They are driven to break the cycle of domestic violence for individuals and their families . Their Fearless Warrior Project is designed to help help people recover, heal and grow after experiencing domestic violence. My part in this process is the one on one sessions to assist with the transformation through healing trauma and helping the individual to identify what is the best version of themselves so they can live it. find out more about the Outpost and their Fearless Warrior Project here.

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