Metaphysics of Autumn


Autumn is that time of the year where the peak of summer is well over and the days start to get shorter and cooler. In nature, we see the effects of this when the tree’s lush green leaves turn orange and brown before they are discarded by the tree. It is then able to turn its focus inwards, preserving its energy and life force over the winter months and gearing up for the warmer days to come. The plants that don’t have the resources to survive through the winter spread their seeds, so in Spring their legacy can continue. It is a time where many animals and humans would gather and harvest food that will help nourish them through the winter.

For us, Autumn is a time for organising, planning and introspection. We must prepare ourselves for the cooler shorter days of winter. A time where we need to preserve our energy and use what we have wisely. The trees’ shedding of leaves is symbolic of letting go of what no longer serves our growth and development. Just as the trees shed their leaves, we can shed negative thought patterns, behaviours or relationships that do not align with our values and goals. It is also a great time to finish up our projects we worked on over the summer and enjoy the results of all your hard work.

Autumn’s message is to embrace change, let go of the old and make space for the new. It is an opportunity to reflect on what has been and to look forward to what is yet to come. It is the perfect time to reflect on the balance in our lives and to make adjustments where necessary. Balancing our work and personal life, balancing our physical, mental and emotional health are crucial for our overall well-being

Kinesiology is a great tool for helping you to shed those leaves that no longer serve you. Book a session today.

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