Kinesiology for Bladder and Kidney Issues.

The Kidney’s and Bladder are the main organs of our Urinary Tract. They both have important functions in maintaining our health. Urinary tract issues have been a regular issue with clients recently so I thought I would write a little blog to explain how kinesiology may be of benefit to people with urinary tract issues.

The Kidney’s

The two kidneys that are located on either side of your spine just under your rib cage and have MANY important functions.

  •  filter our blood of toxic waste, excess fluid and other compounds to help our body stay in a state of homeostasis.
  • controls the production of red blood cells (these carry oxygen from our lungs to the rest of our bodies.),
  • helps to regulate our blood pressure
  • make vitamins for growth.

The kidneys perform their life-sustaining job of filtering and returning to the bloodstream about 200 litres of fluid every 24 hours. Approximately 1 to 2 litres are eliminated from the body in the form of urine, while the remainder is retained in the body.

What are the Metaphysics of the Kidney’s

indecision around stepping out as a new version of self. Ending something  in order to start something new. Not believing that we have the resources for sustained growth. 

The Bladder

Your bladder is a hollow organ located in the pelvis that is the storage organ for your urine. It is made up of three layers of tissue. The outer layer is made out of another 3 layers of smooth muscle (that works without you having to think about it).  The bladder is connected to your Kidneys by two small tubes called ureters. The Kidney sends the excess fluid and waste that it has filtered out of our blood down these ureters into the bladder. The bladder fills as it receives the Urine until either it has reached it’s limit (the muscle’s are at their most stretched) or it is irritated by a high concentration of wastes.

When you go to the toilet your urethral sphincter and pelvic floor muscles relax to allow urine to pass through the urethra and your bladder contracts (squeezes) emptying the urine. Your brain controls your bladder by sending messages through the nerves in your spinal cord to tell it when to hold on and when to empty. The urine we excrete has been stored in the bladder for approximately one to eight hours.

Metaphysics of the Bladder.

Fear and anxiety. ending old patterns. being able to stretch. going with the flow. 

Problems we can have with our urinary system.

UTI’s or Urinary tract infections.

These can range from absolutely excrutiating and unrelenting, to mild and annoying. They can be very harmful when they travel to your Kidney’s, so it is often wise to get the right treatment before it reaches your kidney’s. For active UTI’s,  please make sure you are being treated by a medical professional. kinesiology can support the body in a number of ways so it can fight the infection. but, it is recommended that you are getting treatment of some form.  

Frequent urination:

This may be due to a number of things.

  • Urinary tract infection
  • The proprioceptors in the bladder, sphincter and pelvic floor are out of balance
  • An imbalance in the messages between the brain and bladder.
  • The body is releasing too much water
  • The body isn’t hydrated enough and the urine has high concentrations of waste.

Bladder incontinence

This can be caused by a number of different things.

  • Muscle dysfunction
  • Brain – Bladder message imbalance
  • Urinary Tract infection.
  • Stress

Urinary retention

acute — if your bladder feels full but you can’t pass any urine

chronic — if you can pass urine, but your bladder is still partially full when you finish

Urinary retention needs to be treated before it causes bladder or kidney damage.

can be caused by:

  • something blocking the urethra
  • issues with the messages between the brain and the bladder
  • recent surgery pain or mobility problems
  • some medicines
  • a urinary tract infection
  • recently giving birth

How might kinesiology help.

  • Bringing balance and function to the muscle’s involved in the urinary tract system.
  • Bringing awareness to diet and lifestyle changes that may help to improve the urinary tract health and function.
  • Helping to release emotional stress and change subconscious patterns connected to urinary function.

Do you have urinary tract symptoms and are wanting some help? book now

Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor and I am not treating clients for these conditions. kinesiology is a complementary therapy to support individuals with balance in their wellbeing. The body is often bringing awareness to where there is imbalance in the system and what the body needs for it to create better homeostasis.

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